Sunday, June 19, 2011

Taylor Swift Concert!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friends of ours, Lindsey and Brian, got Abrielle tickets to go see Taylor Swift. She was so excited as this was going to be her first concert. During the opening act bands she wasn't too excited as they just play a few songs and there isn't much lights or anything. Then when Taylor come on for her first song up through the floor and there was smoke and fireworks Abrielle was in shock. She had so much fun and will always remember it. It was also nice that her and I could go do and something by ourselves. The picture of the show taken were by request of Abrielle. Thanks Lindsey and Brian for such a great memory.

Ready to go.

Taken from our seats.

She was able to buy a t-shirt with the all the birthday money she was sent.

Taylor was in the middle of the audience sitting and singing some slow songs by this tree that changed colors and rotated.

Some of the fireworks.

During her last song she floated over the audience.

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