Sunday, June 19, 2011

Abrielle's 8th Birthday!!!!!!!!

For Abrielle's 8th birthday she had a beach party. We had lots of family in town for the big event; Grammy, Papa, Uncle Dick, Aunt Pat, Aunt Krissy, and Aunt Georgine. We all dressed up and had on our leis and flowers in our hair. Some of the activities included throwing a beach ball through a small hula hoop and a water balloon toss. We had a great time and so happy that family could join us.

I had lots of fun decorating the cake.

Amelia and Daddy playing with a water balloon.

Papa and Aunt Georgine competing in a balloon toss.

Here Abrielle is warning Georgine to not through the water balloon at her.

Amelia is deciding who she should throw the water balloon at.

Aunt Pat showing us one of her many talents.

Abrielle got a new bike for her birthday.

Finally enjoying a slice of cake and ice cream.

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