Sunday, June 19, 2011

Alex and Kale Visit

Ben's brother, Alex, and Alex's girlfriend Kale came to visit us for a week in June. We had so much fun going around Pittsburgh during the day and sitting by the fire at night. A few things that we did were; celebrate Alex's birthday, went bowling, went to the zoo, went to a strawberry patch to pick strawberries, ate lots of good food, went to the strip district, and had ice cream at a different place almost everyday.

Happy 22nd Birthday Alex!!!

Ben and I showing off our matching shoes. Maybe we should make this a regular occurrence, lol.

Ben helping Abrielle bowl.

I am trying to help Amelia bowl.

Abrielle finding lots of strawberries to pick and eat.

Kale is showing Amelia what strawberries she can pick.


Walking around the zoo.

Abrielle is trying to point out the monkey to Amelia.

Alex and Kale got Abrielle speed stacks for her birthday!

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