Monday, June 11, 2012

Memorial Weekend 2012

We met Chris and Stacey in the middle of West Virginia for a camping weekend. The campsite was interesting but the hikes and beach made up for it. 

On the first hike we saw a couple of turtles like the one below and 2 deer running through the woods. We also skipped some rocks hiked up a steep hill. It was a fun first hike and only Chris found wood ticks after it was all said and done. 

Ben was showing the girls how to skip rocks. 

Our second hike for the weekend was amazing. We started at the look out at the top of this mountain and then walked along to side to climb the other look out. The views were amazing and I was glad that most of the walk was in the woods as it was a hot one that day. After we had finished the walk we read that kids were not advised to go on that trail as it was dangerous. Have a straight drop off on one side of the trail was a little unnerving at some points. 

 Amelia was being a stinker and not smiling, just like her dad. 

 The forest was none that I have been in before, it was amazing. 

 Abrielle found this ledge and decided that the Native Americans had probably used this at one to sleep in. 

 Walking along the slate cliff. 

 Such  a different type of forest that I am not used to. 

 Checking out the water running off the rocks. 

 River gorge. 

We stopped at the base of the last look out to eat some lunch. The girls did a little climbing, Ben cooked the meat, and we used the facilities (woods) to relieve ourselves. On the car ride home Amelia said the best part about camping was peeing in the woods. :)

 Waiting for lunch to be ready. 

 Stacy with her camera, attached around her neck all weekend. haha. You can also see her little baby bump. :)

Pictures from the top of the second look out. 

At this point in the hike we were almost back to the car but very hot, thirsty, and tired. We were all little edgy............ around a picnic area we found a water fountain and just about jumped for joy. After that we were energized and ready to go swimming. In the picture below I think the boys are talking about how hot and thirsty they were or solving the worlds problems as they discussed that all weekend. 

 Relaxing by the fire with my girls. 

 Abrielle dancing, that is all that girl does. 

Ben tending the fire. 


Brian said...

Awesome Kautza family is awesome.

Miss you all!

kdebruyn said...

LOVE that pic of you and the girls by the fire - totally needs to be framed! Props to Ben for carrying Amelia in the pack... I carry Cora and about die. =) Looks like an amazingly beautiful hike.