Monday, June 11, 2012

Spring Time Fun

Amelia always talks about the baby that is in her belly. So she decided to put a baby under her shirt to show us where it is. Notice on the first picture the leg is hanging out. :) I asker her how the baby comes our she just said that she pulls it out. 

Impromptu tea party. Amelia bought the white tea pot with red hearts on it at a garage sale in the morning. So as soon as she woke up after her nap we had to have a tea party with treats collected by the girls. 

I never thought that buying a $3 kitchen from a garage sale would mean hours of fun one weekend on the deck. 

Amelia is trying to cheer me up as I was working on writing reports cards. 

1 comment:

kdebruyn said...

Amelia look so grown up in these pics! How do they grow so fast??? And so sweet of her to cheer you up!