Monday, October 11, 2010

Amelia's 2nd Birthday

Amelia ended up having 3 birthday celebrations. One over Labor Day weekend when my parents were here. I had great pictures of some how I deleted them so I hope my mom got some good ones. Her second birthday was with Mark and Debbie through Skype and her last birthday with with just our family. She got many great gifts and she loves all of them. Her cake was an ice cream cake as when I asked her what kind of cake she wanted she said, "Ice cream". I can't believe she is already two and talking and acting so old, where has the time gone.

Climbing our of her house.

She is showing me the shoes she got.

Eating some ice cream cake.

I love this picture of her and Ben.

Eating the icing before we sang "Happy Birthday" and cut the cake.

The ice cream cake that she wanted, it only took me two hours to find a Dairy Queen that wasn't closed.

Opening presents from Grammy and Papa Kautza.

Yeah, dress-up shoes.

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