Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkins, Apples and Horses Oh My!

One warm Saturday afternoon Ben and I took the girls to the pumpkin farm. While we were there we went on a hay ride, played games, picked pumpkins, rode horses, and then went and picked apples.

On the hay ride.

Here Ben is trying to get Amelia to stick her head in the hole. She wasn't having any of it.

Abrielle found her pumpkin.

Amelia is showing me where the pumpkins are.

Abrielle is helping Amelia carry her pumpkin.

Abrielle loved riding on the horse.

Amelia kept telling me that she wanted to ride the horse so here we are waiting in line. When it was time to get on the horse it was another story. I rode with her and she was fine until Ben wanted to take her picture (below). After we got off the horse she did pet the horse so she must have liked it.

Here we are picking many apples to make apple sauce and apple pie.

On our way home.

Halloween Outfits

The girls decided to try on their Halloween outfits early this year. As you can see Amelia will be a lion and Abrielle with be Gabriella from High School Musical. Ben and I also tried on Abrielle's fun wig.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Amelia's 2nd Birthday

Amelia ended up having 3 birthday celebrations. One over Labor Day weekend when my parents were here. I had great pictures of some how I deleted them so I hope my mom got some good ones. Her second birthday was with Mark and Debbie through Skype and her last birthday with with just our family. She got many great gifts and she loves all of them. Her cake was an ice cream cake as when I asked her what kind of cake she wanted she said, "Ice cream". I can't believe she is already two and talking and acting so old, where has the time gone.

Climbing our of her house.

She is showing me the shoes she got.

Eating some ice cream cake.

I love this picture of her and Ben.

Eating the icing before we sang "Happy Birthday" and cut the cake.

The ice cream cake that she wanted, it only took me two hours to find a Dairy Queen that wasn't closed.

Opening presents from Grammy and Papa Kautza.

Yeah, dress-up shoes.

Evvy's Day

Every year on Evvy's day we celebrate her life with a butterfly dessert and we let balloons go with notes to her tied on the end. The butterfly is our symbol for her. The year the dessert was cupcakes with chocolate butterflies. The girls mixed the batter and Abrielle and I made the chocolate butterflies. We love and miss Evvy everyday.

Abrielle with her balloon and note. She had to look into the sun to take the picture.

Amelia eating her cupcake.

Evvy's rememberance candle lit by the cupcakes.