Thursday, August 11, 2011

Bay Beach

The girls and I went to Bay Beach with Grammy and Papa. Abrielle had so much fun going on the rides and eating lots of fun food. Amelia was not to found of the rides. The only one she liked was the merry-go-round. She went on it three times.

Amelia on her favorite ride and favorite animal.
Abrielle took a chance and went on the swings all by herself. She seemed to be enjoying it until she was vertical and the swing was tipping back because she was too light.

Abrielle going down the big slide with Papa.

On the train with Amelia.

Abrielle and I on the top of the ferris wheel. I don't remember them going around so fast.

Abrielle and I on the roller coaster. I am so proud of her as she was so fearless.

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