Thursday, August 11, 2011

Evvy's Day

On August 23rd we celebrated Evvy's Day. As each year passes we miss her more and more. This year we were in Antigo so we were able to go to her grave have our celebrations. We had some butterfly cookies and let balloons go, our yearly tradition. God has blessed me with the most wonderful children and I can't wait to reunited with my little angel one day.

Bay Beach

The girls and I went to Bay Beach with Grammy and Papa. Abrielle had so much fun going on the rides and eating lots of fun food. Amelia was not to found of the rides. The only one she liked was the merry-go-round. She went on it three times.

Amelia on her favorite ride and favorite animal.
Abrielle took a chance and went on the swings all by herself. She seemed to be enjoying it until she was vertical and the swing was tipping back because she was too light.

Abrielle going down the big slide with Papa.

On the train with Amelia.

Abrielle and I on the top of the ferris wheel. I don't remember them going around so fast.

Abrielle and I on the roller coaster. I am so proud of her as she was so fearless.

Hanging out at the McPhail household.

The girls and I had a fun time hanging out with Nana and Paba.

Cousing Jacqui and I.

Mom and Aunt Toni chilling.

Simon and Abrielle having some competition with speed stackers.

Amelia loved walking her favorite dog, Maggie.

Jacqui and Abrielle jumping on the trampoline.

I tried to take a picture of Amelia swinging and this is what she gave me.

Hanging out at the Katuza household.

The girls and I had a fun time hanging out with Grammy and Papa and playing on the fun swing set in the backyard.

Here are the many faces of Amelia while talking on the phone to her daddy.

Caleb and Liz's Cabin

While in Wisconsin we had a fun family weekend at Caleb and Liz's cabin. We had a great time playing in the water and eating great food. So glad that we had the time to spend together. The only interesting experience we had was the boat quit working in the middle of the lake and we got stuck in a crazy storm. Good thing their neighbors were out on their boat and towed us back to the cabin.

Finally got a family pick, minus Ben, on Sunday morning. We really need to plan these pics better so we aren't all in our pj's.
Hazel enjoyed climbing and hanging on Josh.

Amelia always wanted to play on Amy's phone.

Dad hanging out and enjoying the evening.

Caleb grilling up some chicken and putting some homemade BBQ sauce on.

Ezra reading ........... I know I had to take a picture to document this moment.

Amelia and Hazel helping soon to auntie Amy with the fruit pizza.