Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Christmas in Pittsburgh

So getting the Christmas tree up was interesting this year. We put up the fake tree we used last year at our old house and it was tiny, it was barely taller than the mantle. So we went out and bought a real tree. Then Ben put on the lights on and plugged them in. Only one strand out of the four worked. I started to take them off and tried to fix them, Ben was sick of it and went out and bought more. We did finally get it decorated that night but the girls went to bed a little after there bed time, an hour and a half. But we will always remember it.

Notice Amelia is hanging an ornament and has one under her chin. She wanted to make sure she hung just as many as Abrielle.

Just being my crazy self.

Abrielle was looking at one of the ornaments she made in 4K. I love getting out all the ornaments and remembering when she made them or what Christmas they were from.

Since Abrielle is the oldest it is tradition for her to put the start on top of the tree. Amelia gets to take it down.

Finished the tree and drinking egg nog.

Santa always comes early for the girls so we can have our own Christmas. He came extra early with Ben's schedule but it all worked out. The big hit this year was the pillow pets, both girls loved them.

The night before Christmas the girls always get new PJ's.

The presents are under the tree and the stockings are stuffed. Now just wait till the girls wake up.

Yeah!!!!!! Stockings!!!!!!!!

Abrielle acting like her crazy self.

Here Amelia is using her pillow pet as a foot rest and putting on Abrielle's lip gloss.

Abrielle chilling with her pillow pet after a busy morning of opening presents.

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