Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had some fun this Halloween. Abrielle was Gabriella from High School Musical and Amelia was a lion. The first set of pictures are from our church's Fab Fall Fest. There were lots of fun games and face (hand) painting. The next night we went our with some light in the sky and came home in the dark. We had a good neighborhood for trick-or-treating!

Abrielle is getting her hand painted by Emily, a friend from church and school.

A beautiful butterfly.

Of course Amelia had to have her hand painted as her big sissy did.

A cute little ladybug.

The girls are getting ready for trick-or-treating.

My scary lion.

Abrielle as a brunette.

Here Abrielle is trying to convince Amelia to go with her.

The loot.

Amelia trying very hard to unwrap some candy.

Got it!

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