Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving and McPhail's Visit

We had a great Thanksgiving this year. Caleb, Liz, Simon and Hazel drove 700 miles to spend the holiday with us! We also had our friends in Pittsburgh; Sarah, Dan and Joseph (JoJo according to Amelia), over for dinner. Caleb watched the kids while Liz and I cooked and drank wine. Maybe we can make this a tradition.

The kids table that Abrielle and Simon decorated.

The adult's table, notice the 19 pound turkey by Ben.

The kids eating their dinner.

Ben using his surgical skills to carve the turkey.

Somebody must have said something funny.

Amelia eating her "pie" just cool whip.

On Friday we went down town to see the gingerbread houses and Macy's windows. In this picture Amelia would not even look at me to take the picture, Hazel looks cute.

Abrielle and Simon in front the of ice skating rink that is surrounded by the glass castles.

The kids waiting to get on the elevator to get to the car.

We went to Primanti Brothers for their famous sandwiches. The put the fries and coleslaw on the sandwich, it is so good. Abrielle is showing me her sandwich.

Caleb takes after his dad and makes goofy faces when I want to take a picture.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween 2010

We had some fun this Halloween. Abrielle was Gabriella from High School Musical and Amelia was a lion. The first set of pictures are from our church's Fab Fall Fest. There were lots of fun games and face (hand) painting. The next night we went our with some light in the sky and came home in the dark. We had a good neighborhood for trick-or-treating!

Abrielle is getting her hand painted by Emily, a friend from church and school.

A beautiful butterfly.

Of course Amelia had to have her hand painted as her big sissy did.

A cute little ladybug.

The girls are getting ready for trick-or-treating.

My scary lion.

Abrielle as a brunette.

Here Abrielle is trying to convince Amelia to go with her.

The loot.

Amelia trying very hard to unwrap some candy.

Got it!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

We had a fun time carving pumpkins outside this year as it was so warm. Both the girls loved getting their hands gross and slimy trying to dig the guts of the pumpkins out. In the end we had some fun pumpkins and happy girls.

Abrielle was showing Ben what she wanted her pumpkin to look like. She cut our an orange piece of paper into the shape of a pumpkin and drew the face out so he would have a diagram.

Amelia is trying to cut her pumpkin's face.

Notice Amelia's pumpkin had three faces because she kept showing where to put eyes.

This and That

I must have Amelia pose in front of the fireplace a lot. When I get the camera out she tells me to take her picture and she goes in front of the fireplace.

These pictures are of Amelia and her best buddy Jo-Jo. His real name is Joseph but that is what she calls him. Jo-Jo is the son of Sarah and Amelia is in love with him, she talks about him all the time.