Sunday, April 4, 2010


We had a wonderful Easter. Abrielle had to find her Easter basket that was hidden harder this year and Amelia is amazed by everything new. It was nice to see them working together to find the eggs on the back patio.
Abrielle got littlest pet shop from the Easter bunny.

Amelia got the hang of putting the eggs in the carton after she found them.

As soon as Amelia found her Easter basket she started eating jelly beans.

Amelia got a little people camping set from the Easter bunny.

Here are some pictures of the girls looking for plastic eggs on the back patio. Amelia liked to be picky about which egg she picked up, it had to make a noise when she shook them.

Amelia opened her peeps but she wouldn't eat them.

Abrielle had to take a picture of me and Amelia.

I love this picture!
We are ready to go to church.

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