Sunday, April 4, 2010


We had a wonderful Easter. Abrielle had to find her Easter basket that was hidden harder this year and Amelia is amazed by everything new. It was nice to see them working together to find the eggs on the back patio.
Abrielle got littlest pet shop from the Easter bunny.

Amelia got the hang of putting the eggs in the carton after she found them.

As soon as Amelia found her Easter basket she started eating jelly beans.

Amelia got a little people camping set from the Easter bunny.

Here are some pictures of the girls looking for plastic eggs on the back patio. Amelia liked to be picky about which egg she picked up, it had to make a noise when she shook them.

Amelia opened her peeps but she wouldn't eat them.

Abrielle had to take a picture of me and Amelia.

I love this picture!
We are ready to go to church.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Church Easter Extravaganza

Our church had a Easter fun day the day before Easter. The girls made their own snack and made a couple of crafts. Then they got to go on an Easter egg hunt. I don't have pics of the snack and crafts as I had to help Amelia, I am talented but not that talented. Here are some picks of the girls looking for and finding eggs.

Dying Easter Eggs

Ben and I had lots of fun dying Easter eggs with the girls this year. Abrielle is at the age where she can pretty much do it on her own and Amelia is amazed by everything new. First we dyed the eggs and then when they were dry we had glitter plaint to paint on them.

Amelia had lots of fun tossing the eggs in the cups and then taking them out with her hand every few seconds to see how they were doing.

Amelia was trying to be like big sissy and put a rubber band on her egg.

Look at how big she is, she can use the wire holder to get them out.

Abrielle is checking out her eggs, every cup in front of her had an egg in it.

Time to paint.

Abrielle concentrating on painting her egg.

Amelia's hand got a little green from putting her hand in the water. She kept touching her hand and showing it to me like she was saying, "Mom, what's on my hand?"

One of Amelia's finished eggs.
One of Abrielle's finished eggs.


One of things we did on Abrielle's spring break was to go to the Children's Museum. The girls had a blast playing together.

Abrielle put a life vest on Amelia while they were playing in the canoe.

Abrielle would work on the computer and then it was projected onto the wall in front of her.

Amelia loves to paint.