Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Adventures in Pittsburgh

It started to snow and we got 2 feet of snow in one day. Our power was out for 30 hours and we were freezing, so we went to a hotel for the night. They don't plow in Pittsburgh so driving was interesting. Ben couldn't drive his little car without getting stuck so he took the SUV to work. Abrielle had off of school all week as we got another 10 inches of snow a few days later. Getting groceries the day before the second day of snow was interesting, people don't like to wait in line to check out for 40 minutes and they get pretty mean and nasty. To keep myself and the girls busy we played in snow and would walk down the hill to get treats or ice cream. When Abrielle will have school again or when Ben will be able to drive his car or even when a plow will take away our snow nobody knows. In the mean time we are trying not to get cabin fever.

These pictures are from the first day of snow fall, only 2 feet.

Notice all the snow on the wires, that is one reason our power went out.

These are from the front door, just a little snow blew up by the door.

My little eskimo.

Abrielle and her neighbor friend, Cole, built a snowman on the grill.

These pictures are from the second big snow fall, around 10 inches.
Abrielle trying to shovel the walk way. Notice we only shoveled one side.

This hill is just from the snow from our driveway. Our driveway is as wide as a sidewalk. Abrielle got a nice little sledding hill.

Abrielle and Amelia in their fort.

Abrielle in the her fort.

The walk to get to the girl's fort. It is on the side of our house and under a fallen tree, there is a tall fence holding it up.

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