Thursday, October 8, 2009

Amelia's 1st Birthday

Amelia playing with one of her toys.

This is how we shared Amelia's birthday with family. We skyped with my parents, Ben's parents, and Liz with kids at my parent's house. If you look in the background you can see my mom cutting a cake while Amelia was eating her cake. It was a nice way to celebrate a birthday when living so far away.
Amelia picking at the M&Ms on her cake.

Opening presents.

Amelia was so excited to see all of the decorations that Abrielle and I did while she was napping. She is sitting in her decorated birthday chair.

Amelia playing with the toy that Chris and Stacy got her.

We had a cake on her actually birthday day. Here is a picture of when she first got the cake.
This is what it looked like when she was done.

Amelia wearing the duke clothes that Stacey and Chris got her.

On the day of her birthday Abrielle and I took Amelia to get own bowl of ice cream.

Abrielle is holding Amelia's first bowl of her own ice cream.

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