Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wailing Wall

Julie Purney made a Wailing Wall for parents that have lost a child.  It is not a traditional wall. This wall was hung from the ceiling of the art gallery at Cardinal Stritch University in May of 2008 for the Masters in Visual Studies Final Exhibition.  It is made of hand sculpted ceramic rocks, molded from rock found on the Milwaukee Shores of Lake Michigan.  Each rock is no larger than the palm of your hand, imprinted with the names and dates of children who have been lost. If you want to learn more about the wall Julie's website is

We had the chance to go and make Evvy's rock for the Wailing Wall.  Abrielle is making the mold for the rock out of clay. 
Ben is working on Evvy's rock. 

Here is a picture of the final wall at the viewing on Mother's Day. 
Evvy's rock hanging on the wall. 
Abrielle wrote a note and put it under the wall with many other note.  She wrote, I love you Evvy. 

1 comment:

Betty Miller said...

Hi, I just stumbled across your blog and the Wailing Wall is so neat! I also read The Secret Life of Bees that gave Julie the inspiration and loved it. I lost my first son almost 5 years ago. He was born 16 weeks too early. The Wall will help give some peace to bereaved parents and a special way to remember their child. Thanks for sharing this story,