Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween 2012

The girls made some Halloween houses. 

 Abrielle was a Greek Goddess, Athena. Notice Amelia in the background, she doesn't like getting her picture taken. 

 I tried to get a picture of make-up. 

 Amelia was Izzy from Neverland Pirates. I love the picture where she is acting like a pirate. 

Trip to North Carolina 2012

The first thing on the agenda when visited Chris and Stacy in North Carolina was to get some good barbecue. The second was to visit Duke University where Chris works.  

We had the kids dress-up in their halloween costumes and went to the local Spooktacular and play some games. 

 Alex and Kale came up from South Carolina to visit also. 

 The boys were on their phones instead of playing bingo with us. 

Stacy and I got our sewing on and made a few things for their baby. 

Zoo Trip

We caught a couple of polar bears. 

 The otter that Amelia wanted to see all day.