Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My friend Jessica and I decided to have one birthday party for all four of our girls as they all have their birthdays in a four month span. We decided to do a Very Hungry Caterpillar theme. 

Trying to get all four girls to look and smile at the same time was not successful. 

Eating outside on their own little picnic table. 

At the end of the evening the girls decided to put on a play for us. We were entertained by a modern rendition of The Princess and the Pea. 

August Camping

For our last adventure for the summer we went camping at a park close to Pittsburgh. Lots of hiking and cooking over the campfire were enjoyed. It was a bit chilly but the girls still went for a swim and we all went canoeing. 

Looking at a hole in the tree. 

We found an old spa house. 

Natural spring water that we all enjoyed a taste of. We are good with our vitamins and minerals for awhile. 

Balanced the camera on a rock to get this picture. Christmas card here we come. 

During the hike Abrielle asked to get her picture taken many times with different poses. 

Measuring how big the tree is. 

Two peas in a pod. 

Evvy's Day 2012

I can't believe it has been five years since our Evvy passed away. I miss her every day but know that one day we will be reunited. 

Getting ready to let the balloons go with a note to Evvy on each.