Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Wisconsin 2012

The girls and I spent three weeks in Wisconsin, Ben was able to join us the last week or so. We went on many adventures from swimming in lakes, tubing, roasting marsh mellows, swimming at the city pool, picking strawberries, jumping in jump houses, went to a wedding, and lots of playing with family. 

Hanging out at Caleb and Liz's cottage. 

 Amelia didn't want her picture taken. Just like her dad. 

My dad and I took my girls and Simon strawberry picking. Amelia was a good runner by putting handfuls of strawberries in the bins. Simon puttered out soon into picking and Abrielle joined him soon after. My dad and I persevered and filled four boxes. 

My dad brought home a bounce house from the store so the girls could have some jumping fun for the 4th of July. 

Amelia got a hold of my camera. 

Bapa joined in the bounce house fun. 

Over the fourth of July weekend we went to Ben's aunt and uncles house to enjoy the water for a hot weekend. 
 On top of the water trampoline. 

 Trying to flip it over. 

 Inside of the water trampoline. 

 Sand fun.