Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Easter 2012

We had visitors this year for Easter; Grammy, Papa, Alex and Kale. We had a fun filled weekend and missed seeing them go back home. They all had fun decorating the 5 dozen eggs, that they thought we needed to find. I think the girls had the most fun. 

Easter morning we had eggs and baskets inside the house to find plus eggs outside to find. The girls had tons of finding all their treats and gifts. 

 Amelia is excited she found her baskets by her babies. 

Now for the eggs outside, all 101 of them! 

Ready for church. 

 This was Amelia Easter afternoon, gathering all the baskets and trying to eat the candy. 

Alex was playing dress up with Amelia. 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Abrielle at Ballet

Abrielle showing us her moves from her first ballet classes.

The Compost Cafe

At Abrielle's school this year their play was called "The Compost Cafe". The play was created from the all school unit, Earth Diggers, and the script was written from the kids writings. Abrielle's class was acting as the different types of water that are in the world.

K-5 students up and singing the last song.

February Fun

Amelia playing with her babies.
We barely had any snow this winter so we enjoyed it for one day.

Making Valentine's Cards.

Ice Skating

Amelia on the ice for the first time. She was nervous at first but by the end she was "penguin walking" on her own. Abrielle did a fine job of getting back on the ice and taking off.

Christmas 2011

Early Christmas in Pittsburgh!

New P.J.'s

Marble Tower

Christmas in Antigo!!!!

Holding her cousin.

Amelia playing with her favorite dog, Maggie.