Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween 2011

Halloween was a fun adventure this year. I decided to make the girl's costumes and spent way to many late nights up sewing. The girls loved them and look adorable so it was worth it. Then we had a fun night at church at the "Fab Fall Fest". Abrielle was so excited that she was invovled in the puppet show and Amelia finally started to play games after an hour and a half. We didn't decide until the day before Halloween that we would carve a pumpkin along with painted them. We then had to go on an adventure in Pittsburgh to find a pumpkin. On Monday night it decided to rain during trick-or-treating. The girls still stayed out for over an hour and collected way too much candy.

I love how they have the same pose. For those from the Kautza family Ben used "Old Hickory" to carve our pumpkin.

My artists.

I love how she is sitting and her legs dangle from the chair.
The final projects. Can you tell which ones Abrielle painted and which ones Amelia painted.

My little Tinker Bell and Native American.

Abrielle talking with some friends from school.

A tired little Tinker Bell snuggling with Daddy.