Monday, October 31, 2011

Love Her

I had to sneak around the corner to get a picture of her playing. I love the big glasses and a baby on each hip.

Amelia's 3

Amelia is 3!!!!!!!!!!

She loved her ice cream cake.

She is trying to show me that she is 3.


I love how Alex and Kale wrapped their presents.

McPhail Family Came to Visit

Nana and Bapa came to visit us over Labor Day weekend. It was Bapa's birthday and close to Amelia's birthday so we celebrated both of them together.

Amelia and Abrielle playing with the new doll house.
The boys putting the house together.

Birthday Cakes

First Day of School 2011

She looks way to old. I can't believe she is already in 3rd grade.

Zoo Fun

The girls and I had a fun day at the zoo before starting a new school year.

Watching the sea lions.
Petting a sleeping goat.

Watching some fish. Notice how Amelia's baby has to see the fish also.

I like how Amelia's baby had to be on her hip as she walked.

Amelia's baby needs to see the elephant too.