Friday, July 29, 2011

At Post Lake

On another hot day on our vacation to Wisconsin we went to Post Lake to visit my great aunt Jane. While there the kids played in the water and Abrielle went tubing for the first time.

It took Amelia two hours to get used to the water but when she was ready she would walk into the water until it was up to her shoulders.

Here Amelia is scared of the water.

Aunt Toni's Pool

On one of the many hot days of our vacation in Wisconsin the girls and I along with my grandma went to my Aunt Toni's pool. My cousin Jacqui joined us and we had a great time swimming in the pool all afternoon long.

Visting Friends in Milwaukee

The girls and I had a chance to visit friends from Milwaukee on our Wisconsin vacation. My friend Melissa hosted a backyard party for all to come and play. Enjoy some of the pics.

Monday, July 11, 2011

4th of July

Ben worked over the holiday weekend so we didn't get to celebrate until July 5th. We had a fire and light sparklers.