Sunday, March 27, 2011

Odds and Ends

We made cookies for Valentine's Day. Those are some finished products above. Below are the girls decorating the cookies.

Amelia likes her babies.

Ben and the girls made me a cake for my birthday.

While in Antigo over Christmas break we had a chance to see our good friend Jen and her baby Harper. I hope we can spend some more time with them this summer.

Snow Day

Here are some pictures from on the snow days we had this winter.

Many people in Pittsburgh use brooms to "shovel" their sidewalks. Amelia was trying it out to see how it works.
Abrielle's snow angle.

Trying to catch some snow on her tongue.

Love them!

The best snowman we could make. The snow was light and fluffy most of the winter.

Sleigh Ride

My parents surprised my whole family with a sleigh ride for a Christmas present. We had so much fun riding on the sleigh then building a big fire and roasting hotdogs while drinking hot chocolate. My girls still talk about it months later. Abrielle remembers when the horse pooped when running. (Such a second grader) Amelia remembers feeding the horses carrots. I hope it becomes an annual event as it was the best family time and present we have gotten.

The kiddos where being told the rules of sitting in front.

Liz looking fashionable.

Warming by the fire.

Christmas in Antigo 2010

Here are some pictures of our Christmas in Antigo with both sides of the family. I put the pictures in the opposite way but you get the idea. It goes from Christmas Day to Christmas Eve.

Amelia playing with cousins. Amelia is wondering why Terra doesn't want to eat a Play Doh ball.

Pillow Pets were the big thing this year.

Christmas morning in our PJ's.

The girls with there new PJ's on.

The girls all dressed up for Christmas Eve church and the annual Christmas Eve party at the McPhail house.