Friday, July 9, 2010

Amelia loves to copy Abrielle and since Abrielle is always singing and putting on a show Amelia decided it was her turn. It was all good until Abrielle decided to take the microphone, you will see what happens next.

Dancing with the Kautza Family

Abrielle decided that she needed to teach us how to dance. Here a few video clips from the dance lessons.

Abrielle's 7th Birthday!

I can't believe that Abrielle is 7 years old already. She is growing up way to fast. We had small celebrations in Antigo and she had a few friends over for a party at the house.
Abrielle was ready and waiting for her friends outside an hour before the party.

This is the craft table were the kids made crowns and picture frames, I took a picture of them with Abrielle and had it printed off so they left with a picture in their frame. Ben made fun of me for the craft table as it was organized, I told him that I got my teacher fix.

Abrielle and I made lollipop cookies for her birthday treat to take to school.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


The girls and I went to Antigo, WI for a long weekend to visit family. During our visit my brother Ezra had a graduation party and graduation day. Went so Simon's baseball game. We celebrated Abrielle and Alex's birthdays at the Kautza house. We also celebrated Abrielle and Simon's birthdays at the mexican restaurant.

Abrielle and Simon with their birthday sombrero's on. I can't believe they are already 7.

Aunt Liz and cousin Hazel.

Bapa and Amelia playing.

Amelia enjoyed the cheese salsa.

Simon getting ready to bat.

The girl's were showing me their colored tongues from their ring pops.

Amelia reading aunt Stacy a coloring book, notice it is upside down.

Amelia was putting on a show by singing in the microphone.

Stacy can a little bit of a goof ball. That is why we love her.

Alex and Abrielle showing us their dance moves.

Yummy, cake and ice cream.

Blow them all out.

I love this picture.

When I ask Amelia to smile, this is what I get.

Nana and Bapa with the girls.

He is finally done.

Cousin Jacqui

Jump House Time!

Amelia loved the rocking horse at Nana and Bapa's house.


The girls and I went to Madison, WI for a long weekend for Stacy's graduation. We had so much fun with the family exploring the city some by having a cook-out at a park and going to the farmer's market around the capitol. Congrats Chris and Stacy on both of your graduations!

Abrielle hanging out with one of her favorite uncles, Alex.

Papa and Amelia, she had just woken up from a nap.

After all of the festivities of Stacy's graduation the girls fell asleep at the party.

Grammy and Amelia

Amelia played with Stacy's purse the whole weekend, she already has good taste.