Friday, January 15, 2010

Visiting Family and Friends

Amelia destroying the village.

Amelia wants to do whatever Abrielle is doing even if she has to push her to get it.

Hazel and Amelia watching cartoons.

Hazel sitting in the toy box.

This was Amelia's favorite toy at my parent's house.

Abrielle with one of her favorite uncles, Alex.

My girls with Melissa's girls.

My best friend Melissa holding her daughter Kate and Amelia.

Friends from Parkway.

Melissa and I

Abrielle and Emma

Wisconsin Christmas

The girls and I on Christmas Eve. Ben was still in Pittsburgh as he had to work.
Abrielle with the Kautza clan. Amelia was not yet warmed up to them so she didn't want to go by them.

Abrielle and Alex roasting marshmallows at my parent's Christmas Eve party.

Abrielle and Simon.

Hazel and Amelia playing together.

Abrielle "smiling" at me.

Abrielle got her Bendaroos.

Amelia with one of her new babies.

Abrielle showing off her new dress-up clothes.

Aunt Stacey and Abrielle

Church Christmas Program

Abrielle was a shepherd. Like the pink tights?

Looking at baby Jesus.

Singing "Away in a Manger".

First Snow in Pittsburgh

This is what plows our streets.

We made a snowman in the neighbor's driveway. I had to shovel the to make it as there was not much. We did our best.

Amelia didn't want to walk in the snow at first.

Abrielle making a snow angel.