Monday, June 29, 2009

Amelia's New Face

Amelia has started to make this funny face and nose take a look. 

The Many Faces of Amelia

Amelia Found Books!

Amelia found the books on the shelf and had a fun time taking them off the shelf. 


Friday, June 26, 2009

Pittsburgh Zoo

After spending a few days in the house organizing and decorating I decided to take the girls to the Pittsburgh Zoo.  We had tons of fun exploring our new zoo!

Abrielle was standing next to a poll to see how tall she is compared to elephants.

Abrielle and Amelia loved watching the baby elephants. 

I am a little biased but I think that I have the cutest girls!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our house in Pittsburgh

So for all the friends that can't come see our house right away I took a video of it. I only have the main living area done right now. As soon as the upstairs is a little more put together I will post it. 

Last trip to the Milwaukee Zoo!

My mom, dad, brother Ezra and nephew Simon came down to visit us before we moved to Pittsburgh. We took the kids to the zoo one last time. 

Abrielle and Simon on the zoo train. 

Abrielle and Simon playing.

Amelia and I hanging out while the big kids play.

Abrielle, Amelia and Simon chillin in the stroller.

Nana pushing the kids while Bapa and Ezra walked behind her.

My darling little girls.

Abrielle Getting Her Ears Pierced

Abrielle got her ears pierced for her 6th birthday!

Right after her ears were pieced. Look for the tiny tear on her face.

Just as they pierced her ears. I think more shook than hurt.

Abrielle excited that her ears are pierced. She picked red flowers so that they were Evvy's birth stone. 

Ben's Graduation

Ben's Graduation

Ben graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin on May 15, 2009. Now that he is done he need to move for him to do his residency.  We will be moving to Pittsburgh in June.  We will be there for at least 7 years for him to finish is residency and to do research.