Sunday, September 28, 2008

Amelia Brynn Kautza

Amelia Brynn Kautza was born on Tuesday, September 23.  She weighed 6lb 14 oz and was 18 inches long.  We are thrilled to welcome her to our family. 

Abrielle holding her little sister Amelia. 

Amelia finally  home. 

Tummy Time

Mommy holding Amelia after she was born. 

The girls of the family. 

Daddy with his little girls. 

A family picture with our new addition, Amelia. 

Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day of K5

Abrielle loves going to school all day long.  She loves going to music class and being able to check out a book in the library.  I hope that she continues to love school as she gets older. 

Abrielle loves to help mom by mopping the dinning room floor. 

Abrielle riding her new very big girl big. 

Gymnastics and Irish Dancing

Abrielle tried Irish Dancing this summer and loved it. 

4th of July

Uncle Alex and Abrielle floating ing the lake. 

Abrielle is getting ready to go tubing behind the boat.